by admin on August 27, 2008
Just a quick heads up for Hobart readers – Jack’s cousin Emily has organised a Cocktail Party on Thursday August 28 at Mawson’s Place Pavillion as a fundraiser.
It starts at 6 pm and features beer, wine, champagne & great finger food, raffles and a Lucky Door Prize.
Full details here (a PDF file).
Hope to see you there.
by admin on August 21, 2008
by admin on August 21, 2008
by admin on August 20, 2008
At the very great risk of putting the mockers on ourselves, we’ve organised a Ride Celebration Dinner for Saturday October 11, 2008. You can book today right here.
Hope you can make it along.

by admin on August 12, 2008
August 12, 2008
One of my oldest mate’s has just given up a donation. 
And he’s given it with the proviso that I publicly state that David Bresnehan (pictured right) is not only a champion bloke but also a champion football player who was struck down in his prime by injury. Yep, that was the only reason he didn’t win 6 Brownlow Medals.
And no, his mum (Mrs Bres) doesn’t always say to me “I wish you were my son, Brendon.”
I make that story up just to annoy David. David has a crane hire business in Melbourne.
There, I said!
But thanks to David and his $1,000 donation – fantastic stuff and a whole chunk of money to help make the lives of some children a little better.
His comment with the donation?
“Skylift Crane Services is proud to support Jack and his sad old man Brendon on their courageous ride.”
That seems harsh doesn’t it Mrs Bres??!
Legendary Scout Bryan Sinclair, also known as Jack’s Uncle, has donated $200 on behalf of his team at Sinclairs Fitness. Thanks Burly.
Whilst I’m at it, the wonderful Chelsea, husband Mike and son Isaac handed over $50 of their hard earned. Thanks guys!
by admin on August 12, 2008
by admin on August 5, 2008
August 5, 2008
A rather chuffed mum this morning when Mel opened up the Courier Mail (the state’s biggest newspaper) and saw an article on Jack because he’s been nominated for the Pride of Australia Award.
Terrific recognition for what he’s doing and some more excellent coverage of the ride and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Australia.

by admin on August 4, 2008
July 4, 2008
I’ve had a few people ask me for a training update:
All going great. We’re cycling anywhere between 50-100km most days. Some days hills, some days nice and flat.
Mel and I came home today to find a note from Jack that he’d gone for a ride (which he often does by himself). We zipped out and caught him on a nice climb he does when he only has an hour or so.
Here’s the elevation profile (towards the end of the video you get a good sense of just how steep the climb is):