Monday, September 22, 2008 – 10.06 pm
Thanks so much for everyone’s comments – they’ve been a great boost for the boys when the going gets tough.
Keep them coming – we’ll be reading them every night!
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Hey Mel
Tell the boys thinking of them, just about to have a gin and tonic hope the boys are using that tens
Regards Peter
Fantastic work Jack and Brendon! That 260 km day was awesome! Reading about your battles with wind, rain and cold – not to mention the bloody roadtrains – brought back a swag of memories for me. You’ll find that when it’s all over the bad parts tend to fade in the memory while the good bits and the sense of achievement last forever.
Keep those pedals turning!
Hello all…. arrived home safely and the plane was fine they even checked both bags! Nice to be back at work!! NOT !!! Missed the tent last night. Actually nearly moved to the floor!! Thanks heaps for an awesome time. It was a fantastic opportunity to be able to join you on your journey. Best wishes for the rest of your trip. No doubt you will hear from me regularly!!!! Hope it wasn’t raining today! Also I will be meeting with year ten later today so I will give them the run down of Jack’s attributes and then they can apply for the position of Jack’s new girlfriend!
Hi Brendan, Jack and support crew,
Ange here on Helen’s computer in Adelaide.
Hope you are travelling well and the new crew are following instructions to the letter. Make sure you put everything back where it goes. Keep a couple of beers in the fridge and have one ready for trailer set up time each day. Massages of at least an hour each evening. Chocolate by the camp fire each night.
Helen dropped Spud off at her hotel last night and we tried to phone Neil but obviously you still have no phone coverage. Stu made it home Tues am and Tamara loves the caravan. See you on the gold coast, will keep checking the site – love the updates. Love and hugs to all. Cheers Ange x
P.S. continue to fly the flag…Priscillla
We are so impressed by the spirit and tenacity you are showing in this adventure, wishing you all fair weather, kind winds, courteous traffic and downhill runs! Failing any of those, heaps of painkillers, booze and sympathy. love to all, Trish, Grahame and Helen Kershaw. Hobart.
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