Another very flat day and we’re loaded up with a 204 km ride, most of it through the Nullarbor National Park.
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Jack Sinclair Cycle across Australia - Charity Bike Ride for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Australia
4,500 kms in 30 days
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Australia - Mentors for young peopleAnother very flat day and we’re loaded up with a 204 km ride, most of it through the Nullarbor National Park.
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An easier day of 140 kms, with what looks like a hill (it will be great to have some hills after so long on the flat).
Heading for Nundroo.
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A solid flat run heading through Bookabie and Penong, if the breeze stays down it should be a relatively easy day.
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This will be interesting – looks like 173 km of a slow long climb.
Passing through Merghiny, Puntabie, Wirrulla, Yantanabie, Cungena, Poochera and Karcultaby on our way to Minnipa.
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A bit of an up and down day which finishes up, up and up (don’t you just love that!), as we pass through Yaninee, Pygery, Wudinna, Kyancutta, Koongawa and Solomon heading to Kimba.
These may well be famous last words, but it looks to be an easier day.
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The elevation chart makes it look like 155 km mostly downhill, so it will be a fairly flat run.
At 155.2 kms passing through Iron Knob to Port Augusta, it will start to feel like were hitting civilisation.
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A nice hard climb to start the day (!) and then a bit more climbing during the day through Innonowie, Wilmington, Willowie, Morchard, Orroroo, Black Rock, Peterborough and Ucolta on our way to Oodla Wirra.
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What goes up must come down.
After some decent climbs yesterday, day 17 looks to be a nice long downhill before a small climb in the middle stages on our way through Nackara, Paratoo, Yunta and Manna Hill to Olary.
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Jack turns sweet 16 (!) today and we have a relatively comfortable 117.5 km ride through Mingary, Cockburn and Burns to Broken Hill.
A bit of a climb in the later stages, but mostly flat. I’m sure we’ll celebrate Jack’s birthday with a chocolate cake.
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A nice easy day out of Broken Hill through Mt Gipps to Little Topar.
A chance to get some rest for some harder days ahead.
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